What You Can Do


A lack of money is not the only challenge faced by widows and orphans. As the problems they face are multifaceted, multiple interventions are required to bring about a sustained change. Viewing the needs and hardship of orphaned children and widows holistically, what is required are our loving hearts and hugging hands! Through small but impactful interventions, the basic needs of those around us can be met.

Let’s have loving hearts and hands reaching out to hug and help!

Our voices and actions are stronger together. And with your help, we can make an even greater difference. We are sure that your help has an effect. As you decide to stand with us you become a reason why a disadvantaged orphan or a lonely widow is smiling. Here are some ways you can support the needy ones to break the cycle of poverty and create successful futures.

Our promise of accountability:

We make ourselves accountable and refer to the following groups as our ‘stakeholders’:

the poor and marginalised communities whom we exist to serve
our partner organisations
our donors and supporters
our sponsoring churches
staff and management
our allies, suppliers, regulators and those we seek to influence
the media and wider public

6 Ways You Can Get Involved:

1. Invest your finances

Your donation is an investment in the life-changing and sustainable development of disadvantaged orphans and widows. Sharing what you have brings joy and satisfaction, not only to the marginalized one whose day you made brighter, but also to you.  

You can support our projects with a one-time donation. Or, with a monthly donation you can help to implement long-term projects with orphans or widows.

2. Share with others about our work

The more people who know about us, the more supporters there will be and the more change can happen. Therefore, you can engage yourself by sharing about Eagles’ Rise International with your family, friends, colleagues, churches etc. You can also use different opportunities like your birthday party, your wedding, a marathon or another event to encourage other people to take part in the journey of change by giving.

Feel free to contact us for flyers or more information!

3. Host an event

Another opportunity to share about Eagles’ Rise International is by being a host at one of our events in Germany. We can come and give a presentation about our work and insights into Ethiopian culture and life, representing the variety of Africa.

4. Become an Institutional Partner

Partnering with Eagles’ Rise through your business, company, organisation etc. can have many benefits. It can improve team spirit, encourage the culture of giving and engagement among your employees or members, and make your institution stand out.

5. Invest yourself

You can also bring a change by investing your time, skills and knowledge into our German team. We are happy to welcome you in our team. There are different areas like publicity, finances, techniques where you can volunteer. Volunteerism is one of our organizational values!

6. Pray

“Prayer is man’s greatest power!”
W. Clement Stone

More than anything we are dependent on God’s help and blessings in our work. He is the one who intervenes and works His way in this world. He is the one who has the most love for the poor and disadvantaged people. We understand Him as the author of the vision of Eagles’ Rise. And that is why we believe that from Him we can receive all the provision and guidance that is necessary. We see it as a main task to pray for our programs and especially our target group. Join with us in this precious prayer! Find out about our current activities in our newsletter and take part in them through your prayer. It will make a difference!

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